Logic and Reasoning MCQ Question and Answer

Logic and Reasoning MCQ Question and Answer
241. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
jalkamofti means happy birthday
moftihoze means birthday party
mentogunn means goodness
Which word could mean “happiness”?
  • jalkagunn
  • mentohoze
  • moftihoze
  • hozemento
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242. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
mallonpiml means blue light
mallontifl means blueberry
arpantifl means raspberry
Which word could mean “lighthouse”?
  • tiflmallon
  • pimlarpan
  • mallonarpan
  • pimldoken
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243. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
gemolinea means fair warning
gerimitu means report card
gilageri means weather report
Which word could mean “fair weather?”
  • gemogila
  • gerigeme
  • gemomitu
  • gerimita
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244. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
aptaose means first base
eptaose means second base
lartabuk means ballpark
Which word could mean “baseball”?
  • buklarta
  • oseepta
  • bukose
  • oselarta
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245. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
relftaga means carefree
otaga means careful
fertaga means careless
Which word could mean “aftercare”?
  • zentaga
  • tagafer
  • tagazen
  • relffer
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246. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
malgauper means peach cobbler
malgaport means peach juice
moggagrop means apple jelly
Which word could mean “apple juice”?
  • moggaport
  • malgaauper
  • gropport
  • moggagrop
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247. Violating an Apartment Lease occurs when a
tenant does something prohibited by the
legally binding document that he or she has
signed with a landlord. Which situation
below is the best example of Violating an
Apartment Lease?
  • Tim has decided to move to another city, so he calls his landlord to tell him that he is not interested in renewing his lease when it expires next month.
  • Valerie recently lost her job and, for the last three months, has neglected to pay her landlord the monthly rent they agreed upon in writing when she moved into her apartment eight months ago.
  • Mark writes a letter to his landlord that lists numerous complaints about the apartment he has agreed to rent for two years.
  • Leslie thinks that her landlord is neglecting the building in which she rents an apartment. She calls her attorney to ask for advice
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248. It is appropriate to compensate someone if you
have damaged his or her property in some way.
This is called Restitution.Which situation
below is the best example of Restitution?
  • Jake borrows Leslie’s camera and the lens shatters when it falls on the ground because he fails to zipper the case.When Jake returns the camera, he tells Leslie that he will pay for the repair
  • Rebecca borrows her neighbor’s car, and when she returns it, the gas tank is practically empty. She apologizes profusely and tells her neighbor she will be more considerate the next time.
  • Aaron asks Tom to check in on his apartment while he is out of town.When Tom arrives, he discovers that a pipe has burst and there is a considerable amount of water damage. He calls a plumber to repair the pipe.
  • Lisa suspects that the pothole in her company’s parking lot caused her flat tire. She tells her boss that she thinks the company should pay for the repair.
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249. People speculate when they consider a situation
and assume something to be true based
on inconclusive evidence. Which situation
below is the best example of Speculation?
  • Francine decides that it would be appropriate to wear jeans to her new office on Friday after reading about “Casual Fridays” in her employee handbook.
  • Mary spends thirty minutes sitting in traffic and wishes that she took the train instead of driving.
  • After consulting several guidebooks and her travel agent, Jennifer feels confident that the hotel she has chosen is first-rate
  • When Emily opens the door in tears, Theo guesses that she’s had a death in her family
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250. A Guarantee is a promise or assurance that
attests to the quality of a product that is
either (1) given in writing by the manufacturer
or (2) given verbally by the person selling
the product. Which situation below is the
best example of a Guarantee?
  • Melissa purchases a DVD player with the highest consumer ratings in its category.
  • The salesperson advises Curt to be sure that he buys an air conditioner with a guarantee
  • The local auto body shop specializes in refurbishing and selling used cars.
  • Lori buys a used digital camera from her coworker who says that she will refund Lori’s money if the camera’s performance is not of the highest quality.
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