Logic and Reasoning MCQ Question and Answer

Logic and Reasoning MCQ Question and Answer
251. Reentry occurs when a person leaves his or
her social system for a period of time and
then returns. Which situation below best
describes Reentry?
  • When he is offered a better paying position, Jacob leaves the restaurant he manages to manage a new restaurant on the other side of town.
  • r of college studying abroad in France.
  • Malcolm is readjusting to civilian life after two years of overseas military service.
  • After several miserable months, Sharon decides that she can no longer share an apartment with her roommate Hilary.
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252. Embellishing the Truth occurs when a person
adds fictitious details or exaggerates facts
or true stories. Which situation below is the
best example of Embellishing the Truth?
  • Isabel goes to the theater, and the next day, she tells her coworkers she thought the play was excellent
  • The realtor describes the house, which is eleven blocks away from the ocean, as prime waterfront property.
  • During the job interview, Fred, who has been teaching elementary school for ten years, describes himself as a very experienced teacher.
  • The basketball coach says it is likely that only the most talented players will get a college scholarship.
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253. Applying for Seasonal Employment occurs
when a person requests to be considered for a
job that is dependent on a particular season
or time of year. Which situation below is the
best example of Applying for Seasonal
  • The ski instructors at Top of the Peak Ski School work from December through March
  • Matthew prefers jobs that allow him to work outdoors.
  • Lucinda makes an appointment with the beach resort restaurant manager to interview for the summer waitressing position that was advertised in the newspaper.
  • Doug’s ice cream shop stays open until 11 p.m. during the summer months
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254. An Informal Gathering occurs when a group
of people get together in a casual, relaxed
manner. Which situation below is the best
example of an Informal Gathering?
  • The book club meets on the first Thursday evening of every month.
  • After finding out about his promotion, Jeremy and a few coworkers decide to go out for a quick drink after work.
  • Mary sends out 25 invitations for the bridal shower she is giving for her sister.
  • Whenever she eats at the Mexican restaurant, Clara seems to run into Peter.
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255. The rules of baseball state that a batter
Legally Completes His Time at Bat when he
is put out or becomes a base runner. Which
situation below is the best example of a batter
Legally Completing His Time at Bat?
  • Jared’s blooper over the head of the shortstop puts him in scoring position
  • The umpire calls a strike, even though the last pitch was way outside.
  • The pitcher throws his famous knuckleball, Joe swings and misses, and the umpire calls a strike.
  • The count is two balls and two strikes as Mario waits for the next pitch.
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256. In the Maple Hill school district, a Five-Day
Suspension occurs when a student is not
permitted to attend school for five days for
(1) physically assaulting another student, a
teacher, or a school employee or (2) willfully
destructing or defacing school property.
Which situation below is the best example of
a Five-Day Suspension?
  • Lillian gets caught cheating on a math test for the second time and is suspended from school
  • Marc is asked to leave the classroom due to his constant disruptions.
  • Franny uses spray paint to write derogatory comments on the locker room wall and she is given a suspension.
  • Ms. Farmer tells her class that students who fail the midterm exam will be expected to stay after school for tutoring help
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257. A Tiebreaker is an additional contest or
period of play designed to establish a winner
among tied contestants. Which situation
below is the best example of a Tiebreaker?
  • At halftime, the score is tied at 28.
  • Mary and Megan have each scored three goals in the game.
  • The referee tosses a coin to decide which team will have possession of the ball first.
  • The Sharks and the Bears each finished with 14 points, and they are now battling it out in a five-minute overtime.
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258. Establishing a Power of Attorney occurs
when a legal document is created that gives
one individual the authority to act for
another. Which situation below is the best
example of Establishing a Power of Attorney?
  • Louise is selling her house and she hires a lawyer to review the contract.
  • Simone’s mother can no longer get to the bank to cash her checks and make deposits, so she has taken legal steps to enable Simone to do these things for her
  • Jack’s father is elderly and Jack thinks he is no longer able to make decisions for himself
  • At her daughter’s urging,Mrs. Lenox opens up a retirement account with the local bank.
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259. Erratic Behavior occurs when an individual
acts in a manner that lacks consistency, regularity, and uniformity. Which situation below
is the best example of Erratic Behavior?
  • Julia cannot contain her anger whenever the subject of local politics is discussed.
  • Martin has just been told that he is being laid off. Before leaving his supervisor’s office, he punches a hole in the door.
  • Rhonda has visited the dealership several times, but she still cannot decide which car to buy.
  • In the past month, Jeffrey, who has been a model employee for three years, has repeatedly called in sick, forgotten important meetings, and been verbally abusive to colleagues
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260. Posthumous Publication occurs when a
book is published after the author’s death.
Which situation below is the best example of
Posthumous Publication?
  • Richard’s illness took his life before he was able to enjoy the amazing early reviews of his novel.
  • Melissa’s publisher cancels her book contract after she fails to deliver the manuscript on time.
  • Clarence never thought he’d live to see the third book in his trilogy published.
  • Elizabeth is honored with a prestigious literary award for her writing career and her daughter accepts the award on behalf of her deceased mother.
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