Microsoft-PowerPoint Question and Answer
Microsoft-PowerPoint Question and Answer
41. In Microsoft Powerpoint the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and move the mouse around the slide
- Highlighting
- Dragging
- Selecting
- (B) and (C) both true
42. In Microsoft Powerpoint the term used when you press and hold the left muse key and move the mouse around the slide
- Is dependent on the amount of text within the table
- Is determined by the presentation design but an be changed
- Is determined by the presentation design and cannot be changed
- (A) and (C) both are true
43. In Microsoft Powerpoint size of an organization chart object
- Is determined by the presentation design and cannot be changed
- Is determined by the presentatin design but can be changed in Powerpoint
- Is dependent on the amount of text within the organization chart
- Both (A) and (C) are true
44. In microsoft Powerpoint special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called ?
- Effects
- Custom animations
- Transitions
- Present animations
45. Im Microsoft Powerpoint you can edit an embedded organization chart object by
- Clicking edit object
- Double clicking the organization chart object
- Right clicking the chart object, then clicking edit MS-Organization Chart object
- (B) and (C) are true
46. In Microsoft Powerpoint the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and more the mouse around the slide
- Highlighting
- Dragging
- Selecting
- Moving
47. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is not one of power points views
- Slide show view
- Slide view
- Presentation view
- Outline view
48. In Microsoft powerpoint the following format options should be used to display dollars on an axis
- Normal
- Percentage
- Currency
- Comma
49. In Microsoft Powerpoint to maintain the perspective (height and width ratio) of an object when resizing, you need to
- Press and hold the sdhift key whiledragging a corner sizing handle
- Press and hold the alt + ctrl keys while dragging a middle handld
- Drag a corner sizing handle
- (A) and (C) both true
50. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is/are true about rulers and guides
- Rulers and guides can be turned on or off
- Rulers and guides print on the slide
- Rulers and guides help place objects on the slide
- (A) and (C) both true