Quantitative Apitude-Arithmetic (Average)

Quantitative Apitude-Arithmetic (Average)
21. The average of six numbers is 30. if the average of first four is 25 and that of last three is 35, the fourth number is :
  • 25
  • 30
  • 35
  • 40
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22. The average of 11 observations is 60. If the average of first five observations is 58 and that of the last five is 56, then the sixth observation is :
  • 90
  • 110
  • 85
  • 100
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23. In Seven given numbers, the average of first four numbers is  also 4. if the average of these seven numbers is 3, The fourth number is :
  • 3
  • 4
  • 7
  • 11
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24. The average of 25 results is 18. The average of first twelveof them is 14 and that of last twelve is 17. The thirteenth result is :
  • 28
  • 78
  • 72
  • 85
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25. Out of four numbers, the average o first three is 16 and that of the last three is 15. If the last number is 18, the first  number is :
  • 20
  • 21
  • 23
  • 25
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26. Mukesh has twice as much money as Sohan and Sohan has 50% mre money than what Pankaj has. If the average money with them is Rs. 110, then mukesh has :
  • Rs 55
  • Rs 60
  • Rs 90
  • Rs 180
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27. A motorist travels to a place 150 km away at an average speed of 50 km per hour and returns at 30km per hour. His average speed for the whole journey in km per hour is :
  • 35
  • 37
  • 37.5
  • 40
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28. The total of the present ages of P,Q,R and S is 96 years. To find out Q's present age, which of the following information given in statements A and B is/are sufficient ?
A. The average age of P,Q and S is 20 years
B. The average age of R and S is 25 years.
  • Both A and B are needed
  • Both A and B are not sufficient
  • Only B is sufficient
  • Only A is sufficient
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29. The average of 5 numbers is 7. When 3 new numbes are added, the average of the eight numbers is 8.5. the average of the three new numbers is :
  • 11
  • 7.75
  • 8.5
  • 7
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30. The average age of 30 students is 9 years. If the age of their teacher is included, it becomes 10 years. the age of the teacher (in years) is :
  • 27
  • 31
  • 35
  • 40
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