Quantitative Apitude-Arithmetic (Average)

Quantitative Apitude-Arithmetic (Average)
31. The average age of 24 boys and the teacher is 15 years. When the teaher's age is excluded, the agerage decreases by 1. What is the age of the teacher ?
  • 38 years
  • 39 years
  • 40 years
  • Data Inadequate
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32. The average weight of 50 balls is 2 ibs. If the weight of the container be included, the average weight will increase by 0.05Ibs. The weight of the container is :
  • 4.55 Ibs
  • 2.2 Ibs
  • 2.3 Ibs
  • 2.5 Ibs
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33. The average weight of 29 students is 28 kg. By the admission of a new student, the average weight is reduced to 27.8 kg. The weight of the new student is :
  • 22 kg
  • 21.6 kg
  • 22.4 kg
  • 21 kg
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34. The averge salary per month of 30 employees in a company is Rs 4000. If the manager's salary is added, the avaerage salary increase to Rs  4300, what is the salary of the manager ?
  • Rs 10000
  • Rs 13000
  • Rs 12000
  • Rs 133000
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35. The average age of 40 students of a class is 15 years. When 10 new students are admitted, the average is increased by 0.2 years. The average age of new students is :
  • 15.2 years
  • 16 years
  • 16.2 years
  • 16.4 years
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36. The average weight of 8 men is increased by 1.5 kg when one of the men who weighs 65 kg is replaced by a new man. The weight of the new man is :
  • 76 kg
  • 76.5 kg
  • 76.7kg
  • 77 kg
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37. The averge weight of 9 mangoes increase by 20g if one of them weighing 120 g is replaced by another. The weight of the new mango is:
  • 180 g
  • 200 g
  • 260 g
  • 300 g
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38. The average weight of 6 men decreases by 3 kg when oneof them weghing 80 kg is replaced by new man. The weight of the new man is:
  • 56 kg
  • 58 kg
  • 62 kg
  • 76 kg
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39. The average of 5 cnsecutive numbers is n. If the next two numbers are also included, the average will
  • Increase by 1
  • remain the same
  • Increase by 1.4
  • increase by 2
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40. The average age of a committee of eight members is 40 years . A members aged 55 years retired and his place was taken by another members aged 39 years. The average age of the present committee is :
  • 39 years
  • 38 years
  • 36 years
  • 35 years
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