Staff Nurse Entrance

Staff Nurse Entrance
1. Which one of the following sets of structures includes only analogous organs?
  • Wings of butterfly, housefly and bat
  • Hind legs of horse
  • Hands of man, monkey and kangaroo
  • Mandibles of cockroach, mosquito and honeybee
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2. Which of the following set represents all vestigial structures in the human body?
  • Vermiform appendix, body hair and cochlea
  • Wisdom teeth, coccyx and patella
  • Coccyx, vermiform appendix and muscles of ear pinna
  • Body hair, muscles of ear pinna and atlas vertebra
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3. The earliest animal to have been domesticated by man most likely the
  • Horse
  • Pig
  • Dog
  • Cow
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4. Presence of gill slits in the embryo of all vertebrates supports the theory of
  • Organic evolution
  • Recapitulation
  • Metamorphosis
  • Biogenesis
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5. Appearance of ancestral characters in the new borne, such as tail, multiple mammae, etc., are known as
  • Homologous
  • Analogous
  • Atavistic
  • Vestigial
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6. Evolution is defined as
  • History of race
  • Development of race
  • History and development of race with variations
  • Progressive history of race
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7. The book named “Philosophic zoologique” was published in 1809 and was written by:
  • Mendel
  • Darwin
  • De Vries
  • Lamarck
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8. Penguin is a bird that lost the use of its wings by not flying. Such a statement would express the views of
  • Darwin
  • Wallace
  • Lamarck
  • Huxley
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9. A scientist kept 80 generations of Drosophila in darkness, even after that the flies had normal eyes. This disapproves law of
  • Natural selection
  • Acquired characters
  • Use and disuse
  • Synthetic theory
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10. Weismann cut off tails of mice generation after generation but tails neither disappeared nor shortened showing that
  • Darwin was correct
  • Tail is an essential organ
  • Mutation theory is wrong
  • Lamarckism was wrong in inheritance of acquired characters
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