Staff Nurse Entrance

Staff Nurse Entrance
21. Sebaceous glands are found in
  • Dermis of skin of mammals
  • Epithelium of stomach of frog
  • Epithelium of intestine of frog
  • Epidermis of skin of mammals
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22. Minamata disease is a pollution-related disease, which results from
  • Release of human organic waste into drinking water
  • Accumulation of arsenic into atmosphere
  • Release of industrial waste mercury into fishing water
  • Oil spills into sea
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23. Which type of tissue forms the framework of the external ear?
  • Epithelial
  • Connective
  • Muscle
  • Nervous
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24. Cardiac muscle is made of branched fibers that
  • Nonstriated and under voluntary control
  • Striated and not under voluntary control
  • Nonstriated and not under voluntary control
  • Striated and under voluntary control
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25. Which of the following tissues in mammals show the least capacity for regeneration?
  • Endothelium of blood vessels
  • Skeletal tissue of long bones
  • Nervous tissue of brain
  • Epithelial tissue
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26. Nerve impulses are conducted towards the cell body by
  • Axons
  • Ganglia
  • Dendrites
  • Neurons
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27. The surface of nerve fibers bears narrow areas called
  • Schwann cells
  • Schwann nodes
  • Nodes of Ranvier
  • Nissl’s granules
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28.  Chlorofluorocarbon releases a chemical harmful to ozone
  • Fluorine
  • Sulphur dioxide
  • Nitrogen peroxide
  • Chlorine
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29. Noise pollution is measured in
  • Hertz
  • Fathoms
  • Nanometers
  • Decibels
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30. Major source of methane in India is
  • Rice fields
  • Sugarcane plantation
  • Wheat fields
  • Fruit orchards
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