Staff Nurse Entrance

Staff Nurse Entrance
31. Which pigment protects plants from UV damage?
  • Chlorophyll
  • Xanthophylls
  • Phycocyanin
  • Carotenoids
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32. Which is not dangerous for life?
  • Nuclear blast
  • Deforestation
  • Biopollutants
  • Ozone layer
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33. Pollution indicator plants
  • are resistant to pollution
  • can purify the atmosphere
  • are very sensitive to pollution
  • are very sensitive to pollutants
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34. A sewage treatment process in which a portion of the decomposer bacteria present in the waste recycled into the beginning of the process is called
  • Activated sludge treatment
  • Primary treatment
  • Tertiary treatment
  • Cyclic treatment
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35. Warm ocean surge of Peru Current recurring every 5-8 years or so in the East Pacific of South America is widely known as
  • Gulf stream
  • Aye Aye
  • El Nino
  • Mangox
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36. Acid rain is caused due to increase in concentration of
  • SO2 and NO2
  • CO and CO2
  • CO and SO3
  • Ozone and dust
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37. Smog is a combination of
  • Fire and water
  • Smoke and fog
  • Water and smoke
  • Air and water
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38. Maximum threat to the world is from
  • global warming
  • ozone hole
  • water pollution
  • soil erosion
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39. BOD of a pond is related to in per unit volume of water.
  • All the plants
  • All the nektons
  • All the microbes
  • All the animals
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40. The effect of pollution is first and most marked on
  • Natural flora of a place
  • Natural balance of our environment
  • Natural geochemical cycles
  • All the above three
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