Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams

Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams
131. The user of parity bit is for
  • coding
  • indexing
  • error-detection
  • None of these
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132. The following are basic types of record access methods
  • Sequential and random
  • direct and immediate
  • sequential and indexed
  • on-line and real-time
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133. Which of the following is input/output device ?
  • monitors
  • unched cards
  • optical scanners
  • all the above
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134. The following magazine covers only the IBM PC and its compatibles
  • Byte
  • PC Magazine
  • Personal Computing
  • Interface Age
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135. The word size of a microprocessor refers to:
  • The number of machine operations performed/second
  • The amount of information that can be stored/cycle
  • The amount of information that can be stored in bytes
  • None of these
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136. The primary memory of a personal computer consists
  • ROM only
  • RAM only
  • Both ROM and RAM
  • Memory module
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137. Microsoft Excel is
  • Financial plannng package
  • Electronic spreadsheet
  • graphics package
  • data-base management package
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138. All the keys on the IBM PC keyboard repeat as long as one holds them down, these keys are known as
  • Typermatic keys
  • functional keys
  • automatic keys
  • alphabetic keys
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139. Distrbuted data processing configuration centrally located computer is
  • ring network
  • spider network
  • Hierachical network
  • data control network
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140. Communications device, combines transmissions from several devices into on line is
  • Concentrator
  • Modifier
  • Multiplexer
  • full-duplex line
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