Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams

Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams
121. A term means that the application software is priced separately from the computer hardware is called
  • Unbundled
  • Bundled
  • Utility
  • None of these
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122. Following is not the operating system
  • UNIX
  • DOS
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123. Which of the following is true concerning personal computer ?
  • They have been most successful in the home
  • They are user friendly
  • No specific programming technique required
  • All the above
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124. Which buying a PC system, one should first
  • Identify hardware components
  • define computing needs
  • both A & B
  • None of these
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125. The microcomputers which have the same operating characteristics as the IBM microcomputers are called
  • IBM desk top
  • IBM PC
  • IBM advanced computers
  • None of these
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126. The personal computers are also referred as
  • desk top micros
  • advanced computers
  • palmtop computers
  • all the above
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127. POS data-entry system is used extensively by
  • banking industry
  • grocery industry
  • railroad industry
  • word-processing industry
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128. Primary advantage of key-to-tape data-entry systems
  • A large percentage of editing can be performed at the time of data entry
  • Key verification is easily performed
  • The tape is reusable
  • Keying errors can be detected as they occur
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129. Maximum character EBCDIC can code
  • 8
  • 16
  • 64
  • 256
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130. The hexadecimal number system has a base o
  • 2
  • 4
  • 8
  • 16
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