Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams

Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams
111. EBCDIC is
  • 6-bit coding system
  • 7-bit coding system
  • 8-bit coding system
  • 9-bit coding system
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112. A data communication facility on which data can be transmitted in two directions is referred as
  • Duplex
  • Simpex
  • Triplex
  • None of these
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113. Electronic Mail / Message system (EMMS) best suits to
  • Postal service
  • Telephone service
  • Telegraph service
  • None of these
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114. Digital computer is a computer
  • That works with discrete quantities
  • that works with analog quantities
  • Both A & B
  • None of these
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115. The subdividionof fields
  • always done to give the programmer greater flexibility
  • dependent on programming language used
  • Never accomplished on fields containing numeric data
  • all the above
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116. The checking operation performed on input is called
  • Validation of data
  • verification of data
  • Vilification of data
  • Control of data
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117. A device that attaches to both ends of an electrical bus and prevents reflection of echoes of signals that reach the end of the bus is called
  • Terminator
  • Connector
  • Processor
  • None of these
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118. A device that attaches to both ends of an eletrical bus and prevents reflection of echoes of signals that reach the end of the bus is called
  • Terminator
  • Connector
  • Processor
  • None of these
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119. A device mounted on a communication satallite which receives, amplifies and retransmits signals from earth stations is called
  • Terminator
  • Connector
  • processor
  • Transponder
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120. Technique of using disk space to make programs believe that the system contains more random access memory (RAM) than is actually available is called
  • Virtual memory
  • Secondary memory
  • Primary memory
  • None of these
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