Data Mining & Data Ware House
Data Mining & Data Ware House
81. Paradigm is
- General class of approaches to a problem.
- Performing several computations simultaneously.
- Structures in a database those are statistically relevant.
- Simple forerunner of modern neural networks, without hidden layers.
82. Pattern is
- General class of approaches to a problem
- Performing several computations simultaneously.
- Structures in a database those are statistically relevant.
- Simple forerunner of modern neural networks, without hidden layers.
83. Parallelelism is
- General class of approaches to a problem
- Performing several computations simultaneously
- Structures in a database those are statistically relevant.
- Simple forerunner of modern neural networks, without hidden layers.
84. Perceptron is
- General class of approaches to a problem
- Performing several computations simultaneously
- Structures in a database those are statistically relevant.
- Simple forerunner of modern neural networks, without hidden layers.
85. Shallow knowledge
- The large set of candidate solutions possible for a problem
- The information stored in a database that can be,l retrieved with a single query
- Worth of the output of a machine-learning program that makes it under-standable for humans
- None of these
86. Statistics
- The science of collecting, organizing, and applying numerical facts
- Measure of the probability that a certain hypothesis is incorrect given certain observations.
- One of the defining aspects of a data warehouse, which is specially built around all the existing applications of
- None of these
87. Subject orientation
- The science of collecting, organizing and applying numerical facts
- Measure of the probability that a certain hypthesis is incorrect given certain observations.
- One of the defining aspects of a data warehouse, which is specially built around all the existing applications of
- None of these
88. Search space
- The large set of candidate solutions possible for a problem
- The information stored in a database that can be retrieved with a single query.
- Worth of the output of a machine-learning program that makes it understandable for humans
- None of these
89. Transparency
- The large set of candidate solutions possible for a problem
- The information stored in a database that can be, retrieved with a single query.
- Worth of the output of a machine-learning program that makes it under-standable for human
- None of these
90. Quantitative attributes are
- A reference to the speed of an algorithm, which is quadratically dependent on the size of the dat(A)
- Attributes of a database table that can take only numerical values.
- Tools designed to query a database.
- None of these