Database - Object - Oriented Database
Database - Object - Oriented Database
11. Which of the following is true concerning the following statement: class Manager extends Employee
- Manager is a concrete class and a superclass.
- Manager is a concrete class and a subclass.
- Manager is an abstract class and a superclass.
- Manager is an abstract class and a subclass.
12. Which of the following is an ordered collection of elements of the same type?
- Set
- Bag
- List
- Dictionary
13. A relationship should be specified how in the ODL?
- One direction starting with the first class
- One direction starting with the second class
- Neither direction.
- Both directions.
14. Using OQL, you may do which of the following?
- Return an entire collection of elements including duplicates.
- Return a collection of elements without duplicates.
- Return a specific subset of elements using a given criteria.
- All of the above.
15. The Object Query Language is which of the following"?
- Similar to SQL and uses a select-from-where structure
- Similar to SQL and uses a select-where structure
- Similar to SQL and uses a from-where structure
- Not similar to SQL