DBMS-Enchanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model

DBMS-Enchanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
21. A subtype is not an entity on its own.
  • TRUE
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22. A subtype cannot have its own subtypes
  • TRUE
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23. The U-shaped symbols on each line connecting subtype to the circle, indicates that that the subtype is a
  • subset of the supertype
  • direction of supertype/subtype relationship
  • both o these
  • none of these
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24. The uses of specialisation or generalisation technique for a particular situation depends on
  • the nature of the problem
  • the nature of the entities and relationships.
  • the personal preferences of the database designer.
  • all of these.
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25. In specialisation, the differences between members of an entity is
  • maximized
  • minimized
  • both of these
  • none of these
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26. In generalisation, the differences between members of an entity is
  • maximized
  • minimized
  • both of these
  • none of these
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27. Specialisation is a
  • top-down process of defining superclasses and their related subclasses
  • bottom-up process of defining superclasses and their related subclasses
  • both of these
  • none of these.
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28. EER stands for
  • extended E-R
  • effective E-R
  • expanded E-R
  • enhanced E-R
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29. Database design is a process of arrranging the data fields into an organised structure needed by one or more applications.
  • TRUE
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30. Frequent software changes, without change in specifications, is an indication of a good design
  • TRUE
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