DBMS MCQ Question and Answer
DBMS MCQ Question and Answer
14. Schema objects include
i)tables ii)views iii)sequences iv)synonyms v)indexes
- i) , ii) only
- i) and iv) and v) only
- i),ii) and iii) only
- i),ii), iii), iv) and v)
15. Which generates a serial list of unique numbers for numerical columns of a database's tables
- Sequence
- Synonym
- Degree
- Order
17. What are the type of Synonyms
i) Public ii) Private iii) Constant
- i) only
- ii) only
- i) and ii)
- none
18. public synonym
- can be accessed only by the owner on the database
- can be accessed by any user on the database
- can be accessed only by the DBA
- none
19. Private Synonym
- can be accessed only by the owner on the database
- can be accessed by any user on the database
- can be accessed only by the DBA
- none
20. What are the types of Database Links
- Private Database Link
- Public Database Link
- Network database Link.
- All the above