DBMS-Object-Relational Database
DBMS-Object-Relational Database
11. ORDBMS supports
- object capabilities
- relational capabilities
- Both (a) and (b)
- None of these
12. Example of complex objects are
- Complex non-conventional data in engineering designs.
- complex non-conventional data in the biological genome information.
- complex non-conventional data in architectural drawings.
- All of these.
13. An ORDBMS product developed by IBM is known as
- unviersal database
- postgres
- informix
14. An ORDBMS product developed by ORACLE is known as
- universal database
- postgres.
- informix
- None of these
15. An ORDBMS product developed by Computer associates is known as
- Univesal database
- Postgres
- informix
16. An ORDBMS product developed by Ingres is known as
- universal database
- postgres
- informix
17. An ORDBMS product developed by HP is known as
- universal database
- postgres
- adapter