DBMS-Relational Query Languages

DBMS-Relational Query Languages
11. Codd's Formation rule states that:
  • a relational database management system must manage the database entirely through its relational capbilities.
  • null values are systematically supported independent of data type.
  • all information is represented logically by values in tables
  • None of these
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12. Codd's View Update rule states that:
  • the system should be able to perform all theoretically possible updates on views.
  • the logical description of the database is represented and may be interrogated by authorised users, in the same way as for normal data
  • the ability to treat whole tables as single objects applies to insertion, modification and deletion, as well as retrieval of data
  • null values are systematically supported independent of data type.
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13. Codd's system catalogue rule states that:
  • the system should be able to perform all theoretically possible updates on views.
  • the logical description of the database is rpresented and may be interrogated by authorised users, in the same way as for normal data.
  • the ability to treat whole tables as single objects applies to insertion, modification and deletion, as well as retrieval of data.
  • null values arre systematically supported independent of data type.
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14. Who developed SEQUEL
  • TRUE
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15. System R was based on
  • SQL
  • QUEL
  • All of these
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16. Which of the following is not a data definition statement ?
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17. Which  of the following is a data query statement in QUEL
  • GET
  • None of these
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18. Which of the following is supported in QUEL ?
  • Intersection
  • Union
  • Subquery.
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19. Codd's Non-subversion rule states that:
  • entity andreferential integrity constraints should be defined in the high-level relational language referred to in Rule-5, stored in the system catalogues and enforced by the system, not by application programs.
  • the ligical description of the database is represented and may be interrogated by authorised users in the same way as for normal data.
  • if a low-level procedural language is supported, it must not be able to subvert integrity or security constraints expressed in the high-level relational language.
  • the ability to treat whole tables as single objects applies to insertion, modification and deletion as well as retrieval of data
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20. QUEL is a tuple relational calculus language of a relationall database system:
  • DB2
  • None of these
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