Digital Electronics-Describing Logic Circuits

Digital Electronics-Describing Logic Circuits
11. An OR gate with inverted inputs functions as:
  • an AND gate.
  • a NAND gate.
  • a NOR gate.
  • an inverter.
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12. The special software application that translates from HDL into a grid of 1's and 0's, which can be loaded into a PLD, is called a:
  • formatter.
  • compiler.
  • programmable wiring.
  • CPU.
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13. A LOW placed on the input of an inverter will produce a HIGH output.
  • TRUE
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14. The SUBDESIGN section defines the input and output of the logic circuit block.
  • TRUE
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15. The NAND gate is an example of combinational logic.
  • TRUE
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16. The complement of 1 is 0.
  • TRUE
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17. In VHDL, local signals are declared in the VARIABLE section, which is placed between the SUBDESIGN section and the logic section.
  • TRUE
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18. Boolean algebra was first applied to the analysis of digital circuits by Claude Shannon at Stanford University.
  • TRUE
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19. The application of DeMorgan's theorems to a Boolean expression with double and single inversions produces a resultant expression that contains only single inverter signs over single variables.
  • TRUE
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20. A two-input NAND gate has inputs of 1 and 0; the output is 0.
  • TRUE
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