Digital Electronics-Describing Logic Circuits

Digital Electronics-Describing Logic Circuits
21. A NAND gate consists of an AND gate and an OR gate connected in series with each other.
  • TRUE
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22. In an expression containing both AND and OR operations, the AND operations are performed first (unless parentheses indicate otherwise).
  • TRUE
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23. The effect of an inverted output being connected to the inverting input of another gate is to effectively eliminate one of the inversions, resulting in a single inversion.
  • TRUE
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24. A minimum of three universal NOR gates would be required to perform the logical operation of a 2-input AND gate.
  • TRUE
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25. The Boolean expression for a three-input AND gate is X = ABC.
  • TRUE
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26. Output logic levels for certain input conditions of a logic circuit may often be determined without using the Boolean expression.
  • TRUE
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27. The comments in ADHL are enclosed between # characters.
  • TRUE
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28. The output of a NAND gate is the inverse of the output for an AND gate for all possible input combinations.
  • TRUE
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29. NOR gates can be used to construct AND gates.
  • TRUE
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30. The commutative law of Boolean addition states that A + B = A · B.
  • TRUE
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