Economics MCQ Question and Answer
Economics MCQ Question and Answer
141. “Human Welfare is the subject of Economics.” This statement is associated with the name of which of the economists ?
- Marshall
- Pigou
- Penson
- All of the above
142. Who has given scarcity definition of economics ?
- Adam Smith
- Marshall
- Robbins
- Robertson
143. “Economics is a science” the basis of this statement is—
- Relation between cause and effect
- Use of deductive method and inductive method for the formations of laws
- Experiments
- All of the above
144. Characteristics of economic laws are—
- Mere statements of economic tendencies
- Less certain
- Hypothetical
- All of the above
145. Which theory is generally included under micro economics ?
- Price Theory
- Income Theory
- Employment Theory
- None of the above
146. When total utility becomes maximum, then marginal utility will be—
- Minimum
- Average
- Zero
- Negative