Electronics-Logic Gates Question and Answer

Electronics-Logic Gates Question and Answer
11. The output of an exclusive-OR (XOR) gate is 1 only when the inputs are different.
  • TRUE
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12. If the output of a gate is OFF when the inputs are the same, and ON when they are different, the gate must be an exclusive-OR.
  • TRUE
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13. The output of a NAND gate is the same as the inverted output of an AND gate.
  • TRUE
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14. Logic gate circuits contain predictable gate functions that open their outputs.
  • TRUE
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15. If both inputs are required to be ON for the output to be ON, the gate must be an AND gate.
  • TRUE
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16. A NAND gate consists of an AND gate and an OR gate connected in series with each other.
  • TRUE
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17. The exclusive-NOR (XNOR) gate is simply an OR gate followed by a NOT gate
  • TRUE
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