Logic and Reasoning MCQ Question and Answer
Logic and Reasoning MCQ Question and Answer
221. find the pair that has a similar relationship
- romance : sympathy
- furtherance : melancholy
- independence : autonomy
- tolerance : philanthropy
222. find the pair that has a similar relationship.
- capital : government
- bridge : architect
- unit : apartment
- kennel : veterinarian
223. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
granamelke means big tree
pinimelke means little tree
melkehoon means tree house
Which word could mean “big house”?
artificial language.
granamelke means big tree
pinimelke means little tree
melkehoon means tree house
Which word could mean “big house”?
- granahoon
- pinishur
- pinihoon
- melkegrana
224. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
lelibroon means yellow hat
plekafroti means flower garden
frotimix means garden salad
Which word could mean “yellow flower”?
artificial language.
lelibroon means yellow hat
plekafroti means flower garden
frotimix means garden salad
Which word could mean “yellow flower”?
- lelifroti
- lelipleka
- plekabroon
- frotibroon
225. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
moolokarn means blue sky
wilkospadi means bicycle race
moolowilko means blue bicycle
Which word could mean “racecar”?
artificial language.
moolokarn means blue sky
wilkospadi means bicycle race
moolowilko means blue bicycle
Which word could mean “racecar”?
- wilkozwet
- spadiwilko
- moolobreil
- spadivolo
226. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
daftafoni means advisement
imodafta means misadvise
imolokti means misconduct
Which word could mean “statement”?
artificial language.
daftafoni means advisement
imodafta means misadvise
imolokti means misconduct
Which word could mean “statement”?
- kratafoni
- kratadafta
- loktifoni
- daftaimo
227. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
dionot means oak tree
blyonot means oak leaf
blycrin means maple leaf
Which word could mean “maple syrup”?
artificial language.
dionot means oak tree
blyonot means oak leaf
blycrin means maple leaf
Which word could mean “maple syrup”?
- blymuth
- hupponot
- patricrin
- crinweel
228. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
agnoscrenia means poisonous spider
delanocrenia means poisonous snake
agnosdeery means brown spider
Which word could mean “black widow
artificial language.
agnoscrenia means poisonous spider
delanocrenia means poisonous snake
agnosdeery means brown spider
Which word could mean “black widow
- deeryclostagnos
- agnosdelano
- agnosvitriblunin
- trymuttiagnos
229. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
myncabel means saddle horse
conowir means trail ride
cabelalma means horse blanket
Which word could mean “horse ride”?
artificial language.
myncabel means saddle horse
conowir means trail ride
cabelalma means horse blanket
Which word could mean “horse ride”?
- cabelwir
- conocabel
- almamyn
- conoalma
230. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
godabim means kidney stones
romzbim means kidney beans
romzbako means wax beans
Which word could mean “wax statue”?
artificial language.
godabim means kidney stones
romzbim means kidney beans
romzbako means wax beans
Which word could mean “wax statue”?
- godaromz
- lazbim
- wasibako
- romzpeo