PMP MCQ Question and Answer

PMP MCQ Question and Answer
291. You are the project manager for the international contract manufacturing firm with manufacturing the plants and offices in India, China and Thailand. Your company design and manufacture various consumer electronics such as flat screen, television, laptop computers, monitors, e.t.c. Your company is in the process of bidding on a project to manufacture the next generation 128-bit video game console for x-cube station. As a potential bidder for this project your company must register so that it is
  • The qualified seller list is an input to the select sellers and are used to rate and score proposals
  • The qualified seller list is a tool of the request seller responses process and are used to ensure that all the prospective sellers have a clear understanding of the requirements
  • The qualified seller is a tool of a request seller response process and provide information about the seller
  • The qualified seller list is input to the select seller process and provides information about the seller
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292. Which of the following statements are true regarding quality planning and perform quality assurance?
  • Quality planning is the totality of characteristic of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Quality assurance involves evaluating overall project performance to ensure that the project will satisfy quality standards.
  • The quality planning process uses the tool such as benefit costs analysis, benchmarking, flow charting, and design of experiment and cost of quality.
  • Quality assurance involves evaluating overall project performance to ensure that the project will satisfy quality standards
  • Quality planning involves evaluating overall project performance to ensure that the project will satisfy quality standards
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293. You are in the process of reviewing offers and choosing among potential sellers. All the following are the outputs of process except:
  • Selected sellers
  • Contract documentation
  • Resource availability
  • Contracts
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294. Which of the following statement are false regarding Delphi
  • Delphi technique can be used to elicit feedback without physically assembling the contributors
  • The Delphi technique helps prevent anyone person from unduly influencing the outcome
  • None of the choices are correct
  • Delphi technique provides a way to reach the consensus among experts and allow the experts to participate anonymously
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295. You are in the process of directing the performance of the planed project activities and managing the various technical and organizational interfaces that exist within your project. All the following are actions that you should perform in this stage except:
  • Collect and document lessons learned
  • Manage sellers
  • Manage risks and implement risk reponse activities
  • Subdivide the major project deliverable into smaller, more manageable work packages
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296. You are a project manager at a biotech company where you are responsible for developing treatment for diabetes. You are in functional organization, where you have little formal authority within the organization. Which of the following describes the type of power you have in organization?
  • Expert power
  • Referent power
  • Punishment power
  • Legitimate power
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297. Which of the following are least found to as a part of project?
  • Roles and responsibilities, pricing and payments
  • Inflation adjustment, acceptance criteria
  • Evaluation criteria, change request handling
  • Warranty, limitation of liability
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298. Which of the following is false regarding recognition and rewards?
  • Recognition and rewards are tools of develop process team project
  • Recognition and reward should consider cultural differences
  • None of the choices are correct
  • Zero sum rewards, that only a limited number of project team members can achieve
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299. You are the project manager for the manufacturer of children
  • 50
  • 45
  • 20
  • 10
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300. Which of the following is not one of the five project management process group?
  • Monitoring and controlling he group
  • Initiating process group
  • Fast tracking
  • Executing process group
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