Basic Computer Fundamentals
Basic Computer Fundamentals
211. A secondary storage device with imediate access to any part of the stored data is _________
- Direct access device
- printer
- keyboard
- punched card
212. A number of micro computers connected together to share peripherals and programs is
- Computer graphics
- local-area network
- modulator-demodulator
- none of these
213. The use of computers for the input, output and storage of drawings, images of pictures i referred to as __________
- Network
- Graphics
- Printer
- None of these
216. The instruction code in machine language or assembler which specifies the basic operations of the CPU is _____
- Machine code
- Instruction code
- Opcode
- None of these
217. A logic programming language specially suitable for artificial intelligence programs is _______
218. A method of checking the accuracy of binary data after any data transfer operation is _______
- Parity check
- Test data
- Debugging
- None of these
219. A storage device in which recording is done by burning tiny pits on a circular disk is ________
- Magnetic disk
- Optical disk
- Magnetic tape
- Punched card
220. Microcomputer meant for a single user in office or elsewhere is ________
- CP/M
- PC