Basic Computer Fundamentals
Basic Computer Fundamentals
221. A prescribed set of well - defined rules or processes for the solution of a problem in a series of steps is _________
- Flowchart
- Program
- Algorithm
- None of these
222. Temporary storage used to compensate for a difference in th espeed of data flow is _________
- Main memory
- Buffer
- Burean
- Accumulator
223. A path linking hardware or telecommunication units down which data dn control signals can be transmitted is ________
- Chaining
- Network
- Channel
- None of these
224. The complex of interconnected hardware which makes up a computer system is ________
- Compiler
- Configuration
- Compaction
- Channel
225. __________ is a basic technique, using activity networks, for planning and controlling the time schedule for projects
- CP/M
226. The tracks on a disk which can be accused without repositioning the R/W heads is ________
- Surface
- Cylinder
- Cluster
- None of these
227. A magnetic storage device on which data is stored on a cylinderical drum, subdivided into tracks is called ________
- Punched card
- Magnetic disk
- Magnetic tape
- Drum
228. A computer assisted method for the recording and analysing of existing or hypothetical systems is _________
- Data link
- Data flow
- Data capture
- Data processing
229. Sending data from one place to another, by physical or electronic means is ______
- database
- data preparation
- data transmission
- distributed processing
230. The process of communicating with a file from a terminal is ________
- interactive
- interrogation
- heuristic
- none of these