Data Mining & Data Ware House

Data Mining & Data Ware House
11. Artificial intelligence is
  • It uses machine-learning techniques. Here rogram can learn from past experience and adapt themselves to new situations
  • Computational procedure that take some value as input and produces some value as output
  • Science of making machines performs tasks that would require intelligence when erformed by humans
  • None of these
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12. Cache is
  • It is memry buffer that is used to store data that is needed frequently by an algorithm in order to minimize input/output traffic
  • the number of different values that a given attribute can take
  • A mathematical conception of space where the location of a point is given by reference to its distance from two or three axes intersecting at right angles
  • None of these
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13. Cardinality of an atrribute is
  • It is a memory buffer that is used to store data that is needed frequently by an algorithm in order to minimize input/output traffic
  • The number of different values that a given atrribute can take
  • A mathematicall conception of space where the location of a point is given by reference to its distance from two or three axes intersecting at right angles
  • None of these
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14. Cartesian space is
  • It is a memory buffer that is used to store data that is needed frequently by an algorithm in order to minimize input/output traffic
  • The number of different values that a given attribute can take
  • A mathematical conception of space where the location of a point is given by reference to its distance from two or three axes intersecting at right angles
  • Non of these
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15. Classification is
  • A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes
  • A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a certain theory
  • the task of assigning a classification to a set of examples
  • None of these
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16. Classification accuracy is
  • A subdividion of a set of examples into a number of classes
  • Measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a certain theory
  • The task of assigning a classification to a set of examples
  • None of these
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17. Cluster is
  • Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects
  • Operations on a database to transform or simplfy data in order to prepare it for a machine-learning algorithm
  • Symbolic representation of facts or ideal from which information can potentially be exatracted
  • None of these
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18. Data is
  • Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects
  • Operations on a database to transform or simplify data in order to prepare it for a machine-learning algorithm
  • Symbjolic representation of facts or ideal from which information can potentially be extracte (D)
  • None of these
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19. A definition of a concept is ______ if it recognizes all the instances of that concept.
  • Complete
  • Consistent
  • Cosnstant
  • None of these
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20. A definition or a concept is _________ if it does not classiy any examples as coming within the concept.
  • Complete
  • Consistent
  • Constant
  • None of these
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