Data Mining & Data Ware House

Data Mining & Data Ware House
21. Classification task referred to
  • A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes
  • A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a certain theory
  • The task of assigning a classification to a set of examples
  • None of these
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22. Database is
  • Large collection of data mostly stored in a computer system
  • The removal of noise errors and incorrect input from al database
  • The systematic description of the syntactic structure of a specific database. . it describes the structure of the attributes the tables and foreign key relationships.
  • None of these
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23. Data cleaning is
  • Large collection of data mostly stored in a computer system
  • The removal of noise errors and incorrect input from a database
  • The systematic description of the syntactic structure of a specific database. It describes the structure of the attributes the tables and foreign key relationships.
  • None of these
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24. Data dictionary is
  • Large collection of data mostly stored in a computer system
  • The removal of noise errors and incorrect input from a database
  • The systematic description of the syntatic structure of a specific database. It describes the structure of the attributes the tables and foreign key relationships.
  • None of these
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25. Data mining is
  • The actual discovery phase of a knowledge discovery process
  • The stage of selecting the right data for a KDD process
  • A subject-oriented integrated time-variant non-vilatile collection of data in support of management
  • None of these
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26. Data selection is
  • The actual discovery phase of a knowledge discovery process
  • The stage of selecting the right data for a KDD process
  • A subject-oriented integrated time-variant non-volatile collection of data in support of management
  • None of these
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27. Data warehouse is
  • The actual discovery phase of a knowledge discovery process
  • The stage of selecting the right data for a KDD process
  • A subject-oriented integrated time-variant non-volatile collection of data in support management
  • None of these
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28. Coding is
  • Group of similar objects that differ signifiantly from other objects
  • Operations on al database to transform or simplify data in order to prepare it for a machine-learning algorithmq
  • Symblic representation of facts or ideal from which information can potentially be extracted
  • None of these
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29. DB/2
  • A family of relational database management systems marketed by IBM
  • Interactive systems that enabled decision makers to use databases and models on a computer in order to solve ill-structured problems
  • It consists of nodes and branches starting from a single root node. Ech node represents a test, or decision.
  • None of these
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30. Decision support systems (DSS) is
  • A family of relational database management systems marketed by IBM
  • Interactive systems that enable deision makers to use databases and models on a computer in order to solve ill-structured problems
  • It consists of nodes and branches starting from a single root node. Each node represents a test, or decision.
  • None of these
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