DBMS-Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control

DBMS-Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control
61. In which of the following schedule are the transactions performed one after another, one at a time ?
  • Non-serial schedul
  • Conflict serialisable schedule
  • Serial schedule
  • None of these
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62. A shared lock exists when concurrent transations are granted the following access on the basis of a  common lock ;
  • READ
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63. In growing phase, a transaction acquires all the required locks
  • by locking data
  • without unlocking any data
  • with unlocking any data
  • None of these
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64. Which of the following is an optimistic concurrency control method ?
  • Validation-based
  • Timestamp ordering
  • Lock-based
  • None of these
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65. The basic variants of timestamp-based methods of concurrency control are
  • Total timestamp ordering
  • Partial timestamp ordering
  • Multiversion timestamp ordering
  • All of these
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66. In optimistic methods, each transaction moves through the following phases:
  • read phase
  • validation phase
  • write phase
  • All of these
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