Electronics-Series-Parallel Circuits

Electronics-Series-Parallel Circuits
11. If a series–parallel circuit has all 30-ohm resistors, what is the total resistance when R1 is in series with a parallel circuit consisting of R2 and R3?
  • 10 ohms
  • 20 ohms
  • 45 ohms
  • 90 ohms
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12. Components or combinations of components with common currents, in a series–parallel circuit, are in:
  • parallel with each other
  • series with each other
  • either series or parallel with each other
  • none of the above
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13. What determines if resistor connections are in series, parallel, or series–parallel?
  • the voltage source
  • the power source
  • resistance
  • current flow
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14. A Wheatstone bridge can be used to determine an unknown
  • current
  • resistance
  • power
  • voltage
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15. In a series–parallel circuit consisting of R1 and R2 in series and connected in parallel with R3, if R1 opens, then R2's voltage will:
  • increase
  • decrease
  • remain the same
  • cannot tell
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16. The primary function of the oscillator in an isolation amplifier is to
  • convert dc to high-frequency ac
  • convert dc to low-frequency ac
  • rectify high-frequency ac to dc
  • produce dual-polarity dc voltages for the input to the demodulator
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17. An instrumentation amplifier has a high
  • output impedance
  • power gain
  • CMRR
  • supply voltage
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18. Circuits that shift the dc level of a signal are called
  • limiters
  • clampers
  • peak detectors
  • dc converters
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19. In the classic three-op-amp instrumentation amplifier, the differential voltage gain is usually produced by the
  • first stage
  • second stage
  • mismatched resistors
  • output op-amp
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20. Typical isolation amplifiers use optical coupling.
  • TRUE
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